
Our Hospital provides services pursuant to the ‘‘Baby-Friendly Hospital’’ rules supported by the Ministry of Health in our country. Accordingly, mums-to-be are being prepared for nursing prior to birth. The mums-to-be that are ready to breast-feed immediately after birth are supported to continue breastfeeding during the visits made by our medical personnel after discharge of the mothers from the hospital. Whether the method chosen is normal birth, epidural anesthesia or caesarian, our specialists continue to follow them up until the time of birth.

In the obstetrics clinic of our hospital, the following diagnosis and treatments are provided at world standards in the field of gynecology and obstetrics.

Pregnancy Follow-up and Birth: Pregnancy follows-up are carried out by 4-dimensional color doppler ultrasonography in all our obstetrics polyclinics. Risky pregnancy follow-up, double, triple and quadruple screening tests, extensive anomaly scanning, fetal monitorization and painless epidural birth.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecological Diseases: Diagnosis and treatment of infections, myoma, ovarian cysts and abnormal bleedings and open and closed (laparoscopic) surgeries are carried out for gynecological diseases.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility: Hormone screening, spermiogram tests, uterine X-ray and inoculation applications carried out. Hysteroscopy is used for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecological Cancers: Early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, uterine and ovarian cancers.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause



M. D. Erson AKSU

Gynecology And Obstetrics


Gynecology And Obstetrics

M. D. Orhan ATEŞER

Gynecology And Obstetrics

M. D. Sedat TOMRUK

Gynecology And Obstetrics

M. D. Semra AKHAN

Gynecology And Obstetrics