In the Neurosurgery Department of our Private Çorlu Vatan Hospital, we offer precise examination, diagnosis, and modern operative treatment of diseases affecting the central and peripheral nervous systems.
The diagnostic process begins with a thorough physical examination by a Neurosurgery specialist. It includes palpation of painful areas, checking tendon reflexes, skin sensitivity, muscle strength, and symptoms of nerve root tension. After the physical examination, our experienced specialists can easily identify the potential cause of the patient’s complaints.
In this medical field, a physical examination alone is not sufficient for a final diagnosis. The diagnosis is determined after additional imaging studies such as X-rays, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
With the use of X-rays employed in studies like radiography and CT, specialists can obtain a clear view of the patient’s bone system, particularly valuable in conditions like osteoporosis, inflammatory diseases, injuries, bone tumors, and more.
MRI scanning, a non-invasive examination utilizing a strong magnetic field and radio waves, provides a detailed view of soft tissues (nerves and intervertebral discs) in the specific area being examined. Nowadays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is considered the golden standard for diagnosing spinal cord disorders. It helps detect the damaged intervertebral disc and whether there is compression on the nerve roots. Furthermore, this study is also utilized for diagnosing brain tumors, spinal cord tumors, and various other conditions.
By applying the latest advancements in medicine and providing top-notch healthcare services comparable to global standards, we strive to offer our patients adequate treatment specified to their needs, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.
Treatment of Spinal Stenosis (Narrowing of the Spinal Canal)
Spinal stenosis involves the constriction of one or more areas along the spinal canal. A narrowed spinal canal can lead to compression of nerve structures, including the spinal cord and nerve roots within the spinal column. Spinal stenosis most commonly occurs in the lower back and neck areas. Some patients with spinal stenosis may not have any complaints, while others may experience pain, numbness, decreased sensitivity, and muscle weakness. These symptoms may intensify and worsen over time.
Treatment for spinal stenosis varies based on the severity of symptoms and the precise location of the stenosis. In the cases of the lack of effect of conservative treatment and the presence of persistent pain or progressive neurological deficit and pelvic-reservoir disorders, surgical intervention becomes necessary.
The choice of operative technique is of extreme importance, as the type and volume of the operative intervention are determined by the nature of the stenosis. Decompression of the affected neural elements is essential without causing spinal instability. The removal of the hypertrophied bony areas requires extreme care in order not to cause additional damage to the neural structures in the narrowed space.
Implant-Free Treatment For Spinal Stenosis Through Microsurgical Method!
This method aims to achieve decompression in the corresponding area of the spinal column without the insertion of foreign bodies (implants) into the patient’s body. With this approach, the narrowed canal is expanded from the inside out. The microsurgical method is one of the most modern methods for treating spinal stenosis and offers several advantages over traditional surgical techniques. Some of these advantages include:
- The surgical intervention is significantly shorter compared to traditional open surgery.
- The postoperative recovery period is considerably eased, resulting in a shorter overall recovery time for the patient.
- Patients can return to their normal daily activities and work much sooner.
- As no implants are used, the risk of postoperative infection is minimized.
- The risk of complications, such as paralysis or damage to nerve endings, is significantly lower compared to traditional open surgery.
For these reasons, non-implant treatment for spinal stenosis through a microsurgical method is also preferred for elderly patients and those with accompanying medical conditions.
Spondylolisthesis is the displacement (slippage) of one vertebral body relative to another within the spinal column. Displacement may occur in various directions – forward, backward, or sideways – and may lead to the compression of nerve roots and narrowing of the spinal canal. This compression may result in pressure on the spinal cord and significant damage to some neurological functions.
Spondylolisthesis most commonly affects the lower part of the lumbar spine. It can occur at any age, and initial stages of the condition may occur without any symptoms for a different period of time. In advanced stages, increased compression on nerve roots and/or the spinal cord gradually leads to pain at the area of slippage and neurological complaints. Pain and sensations may spread to the lower limbs, causing muscle weakness, muscle spasms, tingling, and numbness along the affected nerves.
The primary causes of spondylolisthesis include congenital vertebral displacement, trauma from incidents or sports activities, and degenerative changes in the spinal column. The most frequently encountered form of the condition is degenerative spondylolisthesis, resulting from age-related changes in the vertebrae.
Treatment of Spondylolisthesis
As age progresses, vertebrae begin to lose their stability, undergo dehydration, and develop cracks, creating favorable conditions for displacement of the vertebrae from their initial position.
For mild forms of the condition, treatment primarily involves physiotherapy, rehabilitation, balneotherapy, and strengthening exercises for the muscles in the affected segment of the spine. Patients are also prescribed pain relievers, as well as vitamins and minerals to enhance the skeletal system. Wearing a specialized supportive medical corset can also alleviate the patient’s condition.
In more severe cases of the condition, vertebral displacement leads to increasing pain symptoms and the potential appearance of neurological deficits. This may necessitate surgical intervention to prevent permanent damage.
Surgical Treatment of Spondylolisthesis
Surgical treatment for spondylolisthesis includes decompression of neural structures, restoration of normal anatomical relationships between vertebrae, and stabilization through fusion. Surgical treatment combines traditional decompression techniques with modern instrumental stabilization, involving the placement of spinal implants to achieve spinal stability.
The goal of the surgical intervention is to achieve complete surgical decompression of neural structures and maximal stability in the damaged segment of the spinal column.
What Are Disc Herniations?
The vertebrae forming the spinal column are arranged on top of each other and interconnected, forming the spinal canal. The spinal column protects the spinal cord from external influences. In addition to vertebrae, the spinal column contains nerve endings and discs made of cartilage tissue, which provide flexibility to the spinal column. The outer wall of each of these round discs, located between the vertebrae, consists of elastic and hard tissue. The inner part of this cartilage tissue (disc) has a gel-like structure. Due to wear or injury to the outer wall of the cartilaginous disc, the gel-like material located in the center begins to press the outer wall from the inside out. If a disc is heavily worn or significantly damaged, the gel-like material protrudes outward, thus forming disc herniations. The most commonly encountered types of disc herniation are lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) disc herniations.
Diagnosis Of Disc Herniations
A variety of imaging studies are used to diagnose disc herniations. Nowadays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is considered the most advanced method and the gold standard for diagnosing spinal column disorders. Following a physical examination and MRI, a relevant specialist will be able to provide you with detailed information regarding your current condition and necessary treatment.
Treatment Of Disc Herniations
Most patients avoid seeking medical attention for fear of being recommended surgical intervention, but only 10% of patients with lumbar and cervical disc herniations require surgical intervention; the remaining 90% can be treated non-operatively. The treatment plan for lumbar and cervical disc herniations is determined based on the patient’s complaints, clinical condition, and results of imaging diagnostics. Excluding emergency situations, the first step in treatment is conservative therapy. If necessary, treatment may continue using invasive surgical methods such as Trigger Point Injections, Epidural Injections, Spinal Anesthesia, and Intradiscal Manipulations. Surgical treatment is resorted to when conservative therapy is not sufficiently effective or in cases of loss of muscle strength, urinary incontinence, and severe pain unresponsive to medication.
In our Neurosurgery Clinic, surgical interventions aimed at treating disc herniation are primarily performed using microsurgical techniques. Before surgical intervention, the most suitable surgical method for the specific case is decided based on physical examination and MRI.
One of the most commonly applied modern methods of treatment in this medical field is “Microscopic Discectomy”. The term “Microdiscectomy” refers to the removal of the herniated part of the intervertebral disc with minimal skin incision, using a surgical microscope under high magnification and with the aid of special microsurgical instruments. Main principles of microsurgery involve preserving maximal anatomical integrity of the tissues. Surgical incisions result in minimal cosmetic defects.
Microsurgical approaches have several advantages over standard surgical interventions:
- Significantly reduced operative time and minimal incision
- Fewer risks of postoperative complications to muscles and nerves
- Possibility for easy application in patients undergoing treatment for osteoporosis and/or diabetes
- Reduced risks of postoperative infections
- Significantly shortened hospital stay
- Short recovery time and quick return to normal daily activities
Every living organism is composed of numerous different cell types. Occasionally, due to various and often unclear reasons, some of our cells change their normal development cycle and undergo abnormal and uncontrolled division, forming a neoplasm – a tumor. When this neoplasm develops in the brain, it is identified as a brain tumor.
There are various types of brain tumors. Depending on the classification criteria, brain tumors are classified in several different ways.
The majority of brain tumors are formed from cells within the brain tissue itself. Brain tumors arising from brain tissue, meninges, and cranial nerves are classified as primary brain tumors. Secondary brain tumors, also known as metastatic brain tumors, originate from organs and tissues outside the brain (when cancerous diseases in other parts of the body spread to the brain) and reach the brain through the bloodstream.
Based on the differentiation of the cells and tissues from which they are composed, brain tumors are classified as benign or malignant.
Treatment of Brain Tumors
The treatment of brain tumors is a complex process and often requires the involvement of a team of specialists. The method of treatment is determined based on the precise location, size, and type of the tumor, as well as other personal characteristics of the patient.
Surgical removal is a reliable treatment method with a high success rate for benign brain tumors. If the patient’s case allows for the complete removal of the benign tumor during surgery, the issue can be resolved without the need for additional treatments. This surgical procedure has a very high success rate and allows for full recovery.
Unlike other tumors in the body, brain tumors exhibit a crucial characteristic – they develop within the cranial cavity, which is a confined space with rigid boundaries. Due to this reason, it is accepted that all brain tumors are relatively malignant, as the human brain has no room to “yield” to the tumor’s pressure. Another important characteristic of brain tumors is that even a small tumor located in a functionally significant area of the brain (motor-sensory centers, sensory zones, speech centers, etc.) may lead to serious damage and significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life.
The treatment of malignant brain tumors often requires a comprehensive approach, including neurosurgical procedures, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and rehabilitation. If the brain tumor is predicted as malignant, identifying the exact tumor type is crucial for determining the treatment plan. In order to achieve this, a biopsy is performed (taking a small part of the tumor through a small opening in the skull for detailed analysis).
If there are already serious negative effects on the patient’s overall health, treatment procedures may directly begin with surgical interventions to minimize the negative effects of the brain tumor. Sometimes, due to the location of the tumor, complete removal during surgery is not possible. In such cases, follow-up treatment methods, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, are essential.
Performing surgery in this area of the human body requires the use of microsurgical methods. Due to the presence of numerous fine nerve structures in this area, even the smallest problem can have significant consequences. Therefore, surgical intervention for brain tumors is carried out using neuro-navigation (neuronavigation). Through this system, the neurosurgeon monitors the patient using signals from electrodes placed on the patient’s face, hands, and legs. When the signals decrease, the doctor receives a warning that they are in a sensitive area of the brain. Thanks to this system, the risk of paralysis and unwanted negative consequences of the surgical intervention are minimized.
The success of the surgical procedure is crucial for the overall treatment of brain tumors.

Dr. Oguz OZEL
Dr. Oğuz ÖZEL graduated from the Medical Faculty at Trakya University. In 2011, he achieved specialization in the field of Neurosurgery from the Medical Faculty at Erciyes University. Our specialist has extensive professional experience in the field of Neurosurgery across various regions of the Republic of Turkey. Since 2020, our specialist has been practicing at our Private Çorlu Vatan Hospital.

Dr. Abdullah TEMIZKAN
Dr. Abdullah TEMİZKAN graduated from the Medical Faculty at Dicle University. In 1989, he achieved a specialization in Neurosurgery from the medical faculty at Cumhuriyet University. Our specialist has extensive professional experience in the field of Neurosurgery across various regions of the Republic of Turkey. Since 2016, our specialist has been practicing at our Private Çorlu Vatan Hospital.

Since 1981, our hospital has been a prominent healthcare center in Çorlu, providing essential medical services. Our specialist in Brain and Neurosurgery, Op. Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, stated that the diagnosis and treatment of herniated discs in the neck and lower back are now carried out with much more effective and safer methods compared to previous methods. He also emphasized that with the integration of technological advancements and the wealth of accumulated experience in interventions for spinal cord tumors, there is no longer room for chance factors in this field.
A 59-year-old patient came to our hospital for examination under the care of Op. Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, our specialist in Brain and Neurosurgery, with complaints of lower back and right leg pain that had significantly intensified over the past two months. Following a physical examination and an MRI, a tumor measuring 1.5 cm at L4 was identified. After thoroughly informing the patient about the details of the necessary intervention, we proceeded with the preoperative preparation.
On the morning before the intervention, Covid-19 tests were carried out, and after receiving the results, the patient was admitted to the surgical department, which is maximally secured against Covid-19. At noon on the same day, a microsurgical approach was performed to remove the tumor formation. The intervention lasted approximately 2 hours, after which the patient was accommodated in their room, and monitoring began. On the same day, our patient was able to independently perform their daily activities.
Our patient was discharged on the second day of hospitalization in good overall condition.
On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Private Çorlu Vatan Hospital, the entire hospital team sincerely wishes our patient a healthy and successful life ahead.
Farewell To Persistent Pain: Lumbar Decompression Surgery
Our 52-year-old patient preferred our hospital with the complaints of enduring persistent lower back pain, numbness in both legs, and difficulty walking long distances. Previous consultations at various healthcare institutions recommended intervention involving implants (screws) for decompression of spinal stenosis. Seeking a second opinion, our patient reached out to our hospital specifically to consult with our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, regarding his condition.
Following a thorough physical examination and MRI, it was revealed that the patient had Spinal Stenosis at L3-L4 and L4-L5. Pain during leg movements and neurological deficits were also identified during the examination. According to our patient, Lumbar Decompression Microsurgery was suggested. The procedure was thoroughly explained to our patient and preoperative preparations began.
All precautions related to the Covid-19 pandemic were strictly applied. Our patient then underwent the surgery without the use of implants (screws). Post-surgery, our patient remained under the supervision of Dr. Ozel, and was mobilized just 3 hours later.
Following a one-day postoperative stay in our hospital, our patient was discharged in good overall condition.
We express our gratitude to our patient for trusting our hospital and wish him a healthy and happy life.

Complaints Dispelled: Narrowing In The Spinal Cord
Our 68-year-old patient sought medical attention in our hospital due to her complaints of pain in the right leg and difficulty walking long distances lasting for a month. At first, after examinations and assessments, Spinal Stenosis at L3 was identified and Lumbar Decompression Surgery with screws and fasteners was suggested to address the narrowing in the spinal cord.
Our patient was concerned about the post-operation mobility. But these concerns were later on quelled upon a coincidence with another patient of Dr. Oguz Ozel who underwent the same procedure.
Our Patient Got Rid of All Her Complaints as a result of a Successful Brain Tumor Surgery!
Our patient Saadet GÜLEN (67) applied to our Neurology polyclinic with the complaints of headache, speaking disorder and numbness in her right side. As a result of her examination and analysis, it was identified there is an approximately 3×2 cm tumor in the left frontal lobe of her brain, and she was referred to our Brain and Nerve Surgery polyclinic in the same day.
As a doctor that treats all patients with his successful surgeries, Surgeon MD Oğuz ÖZEL, a Specialist of Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerve Surgery, conducted examination and CT assessment and urgently planned a surgery for our patient. As a result of up to 6 hour successful operation, our patient Saadet GÜLEN fully lost her headache, speaking disorder and complaints of numbness in her right side. Our patient, whose general condition was good, was discharged from the hospital in a healthy condition 1 week later.

A Significant Recovery, A Milestone: Brain Tumor Treatment
Our 52-year-old patient presented to our hospital with complaints, unaware of his underlying condition. After a comprehensive examination and conducted assessments, presence of Brain Tumor was detected.
Immediate surgery was performed, addressing the complete removal of the tumor. Following a period of treatment in the brain surgery ward, our patient experienced a successful recovery and was discharged from our hospital.
Our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel stated; ” We specialize in performing such delicate surgeries with great success. This accomplishment should instill hope and courage in patients facing similar challenges. They no longer need to resign themselves to their conditions.”
As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we extend our heartfelt wishes to our patient for a long and healthy life, surrounded by his loved ones.
Brain Tumor Removal: Our Bulgarian Patient Found Relief
Our patient from Bulgaria, Mr. Ivan Stoykov contacted our International Patient Services Department, seeking assistance his recent health crisis.
At the age of 54, Mr. Stoykov experienced sudden complaints including severe headaches, confusion, memory loss, and impaired balance. He was urgently hospitalized and his case was taken over by Dr. Oguz Ozel, our Neurosurgeon with extensive experience in treating brain tumors.
After detailed physical examination and radiological studies, a brain tumor was detected. An urgent surgery was recommended and successfully performed the next day.
Post-operation, Mr. Stoykov was monitored in the ICU before being transferred to his room. Just hours after surgery, our patient was mobilized under the supervision of Dr. Ozel. After five days of hospitalization, Mr. Stoykov was discharged in good condition.
Upon discharge, Mr. Stoykov expressed gratitude to Dr. Ozel, the International Patient Department, and the hospital staff.
We sincerely thank Mr. Stoykov for trusting us and wish him a long and healthy life ahead.

A Fulfilled Dream: Cranial Reconstruction
Ms. Atidzhe Terziiska from Bulgaria, contacted our International Patient Services Department of our hospital regarding a congenital anomaly in the bone of the frontal area of the skull. Having undergone surgery in early childhood, her current concerns were mainly related to the aesthetic appearance of the affected area. After detailed discussions, Ms. Terziiska was invited to our hospital.
Dr. Oguz Ozel, our Neurosurgeon with extensive experience in Cranial Reconstruction, took over Ms. Terziiska’s case. Upon her arrival, she was assisted by our translators throughout her visit in our hospital. After detailed examinations and a CT scan, it was decided to take bone tissue from her hip joint and implant it in the frontal area.
Ms. Terziiska was hospitalized a day before the planned surgery date, and preoperative preparation began. Following detailed examinations, consultations with our Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist, the surgery was performed without any medical impediments.
Post-operation, Ms. Terziiska was returned to our surgical unit to rest. Dr. Ozel visited her to explain the procedures performed during surgery and provide information about the postoperative period. After her 3 days of stay, she was discharged in good condition, expressing gratitude to Dr. Ozel and his team, and she added: “You have fulfilled my dream”.
As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we thank her for trusting us and wish a happy life with her new appearance.
Relieving The Burden: Lumbar Stabilization Surgery
Our patient, Mr. Yumer Beyti Ahmed from Bulgaria, reached out to our International Patient Services Department regarding his complaints that following a lumbar disc herniation surgery five years ago, he started to experience progressively worsening pain in his lower back and both legs.
Mr. Ahmed was invited to the hospital for a physical examination and detailed radiological tests and upon his arrival, his case was taken over by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan.
After a thorough physical examination and radiographs (MRI and CT of the lumbar area), a compelling need for a Lumbar Stabilization Surgery was determined. The patient was thoroughly informed about the surgery and the expected results, and with Mr. Ahmed’s consent, the hospitalization and preoperative preparation process began. Additional tests confirmed that there were no medical obstacles to the surgical intervention.
After a successful surgery, our patient was returned to his room for postoperative observation, and a few days later, he was discharged from our hospital without pain and in good overall condition.
Upon his discharge, Mr. Ahmed expressed heartfelt thanks to Dr. Temizkan and the entire hospital team. We also thank him for choosing us for his treatment and wish him a long life filled with health and happiness.

Pain Is Gone: Lumbar Discectomy For Disc Herniation
Mrs. Miglena Ivanova from Bulgaria, contacted our International Patient Services Department through social media. She shared that she had been experiencing worsening pain in the lower back and left leg. After discussions, Mrs. Ivanova was invited to our hospital for a physical examination and diagnostic procedures.
Upon her arrival at our hospital, her case was taken over by Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, our Neurosurgeon. After a detailed physical examination and imaging, including an MRI, Mrs. Ivanova was diagnosed with a Disc Herniation at L5-S1 in the spinal column. She was suggested a Lumbar Discectomy through microsurgical method.
Upon Mrs. Ivanova’s consent for the suggested treatment, she was hospitalized on the same day. The next day, the surgery was performed through a minimal 3-centimeter incision. 3 hours post-surgery, she was mobilized under the supervision of Dr. Temizkan. She was discharged in good overall condition without pain or complaints after 1 day of observation.
During her follow-up appointment, Mrs. Ivanova expressed her gratitude for the care she received during her stay in our hospital. She thanked Dr. Temizkan and our entire team.
As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we also appreciate her trust in us and wish Mrs. Ivanova a swift recovery and a happy life.
Restrictions Lifted: Laminoplasty For Spinal Stenosis
Our patient, Mr. Stanimir Kazakov from Bulgaria, contacted our hospital based on the recommendation of his relatives. He expressed his complaints, including a sense of weakness in arms and legs, neck pain, and restricted movements. After discussions and the submission of previous medical examinations, our patient was invited to our hospital for a detailed examination and treatment.
Upon Mr. Kazakov’s arrival at our hospital, his case was taken over by Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, our Neurosurgeon. Following a detailed physical examination, additional diagnostic procedures, such as MRI and CT, presence of Spinal Stenosis at L3 in the cervical spine was identified.
Dr. Temizkan recommended a Laminoplasty for this case. Upon detailed explanations and our patient’s consent, hospitalization and preoperative preparation took place.
After a successful surgery, the patient was returned to our surgical department to rest. A day later, he was mobilized in the presence of Dr. Temizkan. After a three-day observation, Mr.
Kazakov was discharged from our hospital without pain and in good overall condition.
A week later, the patient visited us for a follow-up examination. Immense positive changes in Mr. Kazakov’s physical condition were observed.
The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes Mr. Kazakov and his family happy and healthy life together.

Mrs. Gülden Şen, 33 years old, underwent two surgical interventions for the treatment of spinal stenosis caused by lumbar disc herniation. Unfortunately, her complaints persisted after these surgical interventions. In search of treatment, she approached various healthcare institutions where surgical intervention with the placement of implants in the spinal cord was recommended. After thorough research and recommendations, our patient was informed about the implant-free interventions for spinal stenosis performed by Dr. Oğuz ÖZEL.
Dr. Oğuz ÖZEL is a specialist with extensive experience in the field of Neurosurgery, renowned for his successful surgeries in implant-free surgery for spinal stenosis.
Upon Mrs. Şen’s arrival at our hospital, a comprehensive physical examination and radiological studies were carried out. During the examination, the patient shared that her condition had not improved after the previous interventions; she continued to experience tingling and pain in her legs and could not walk long distances without needing to rest. Based on the conducted studies, our specialist’s opinion was that the patient’s case was suitable for microsurgical surgery for decompression of spinal stenosis without implant placement in the spinal cord. The patient was extensively informed by Dr. Oğuz ÖZEL about the intervention itself and the expected results, and with her consent, the preparation for the operation began.
The patient arrived at our hospital in the early hours of the planned day for the surgical intervention. After hospitalization, she underwent preoperative preparation and a meeting with an Anesthesiology and Reanimation specialist. Based on the examinations and studies, it was determined that there were no medical obstacles to the intervention. A few hours later, Mrs. Şen was admitted to the operating room. After the successfully completed two-hour operation, the patient was returned to our surgical department to rest. In the evening of the day, she was mobilized in the presence of Dr. Oğuz ÖZEL and shared with us that she felt significant relief at that moment and almost no longer felt pain. Mrs. Şen was discharged the next day in good overall condition without pain and complaints.
On the 40th anniversary of providing healthcare services, the entire team of Çorlu Vatan Private Hospital wishes Mrs. Şen and her family good health and happiness.
Our Patient Found Relief: Cervical Disc Hernia
Our patient visited our hospital with persistent complaints, including neck pain, left arm pain, numbness, and restricted movement, significantly impacting his daily life and quality of life.
Following a thorough physical examination by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, and necessary additional investigations, Cervical Disc Herniation at L2 was identified. A Microsurgery was suggested for treatment by Dr. Ozel. Our patient was fully informed about the procedure, including its benefits and potential consequences if left untreated, before being admitted for preoperative preparations.
Following a successful surgery, our patient was mobilized on the same day, just a few hours after the surgery, under the supervision of Dr. Ozel. He was closely monitored for twenty-four hours and then discharged in good condition.
During a follow-up examination one week later, our patient reported no postoperative complaints. He had then found relief after many years of discomfort. He expressed that he would definitely recommend to those with similar complaints to visit Dr. Ozel for necessary treatment.
The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital extends our best wishes to our patient for a long and healthy life ahead.

Implant-Free Decompression Microsurgery For Lumbar Stenosis
Mr. Daniel Zhekov from Bulgaria, contacted our International Patient Services department with complaints such as lower back pain, intense pain, and numbness in the lower extremities lasting for a while. After Mr. Zhekov’s MRI evaluation, he was invited to our hospital for surgery.
Upon Mr. Zhekov’s arrival at our hospital, his case was taken over by Dr. Oguz Ozel, our Neurosurgeon. After a detailed physical examination and reevaluation of the MRI, a treatment for Lumbar Stenosis at L4-L5 with an Implant-Free Lumbar Decompression Microsurgery, without spinal stabilization system, was determined.
After a successful surgery, Mr. Zhekov was discharged on the second day post-surgery in good overall condition, free from pain and complaints. During his discharge, he expressed that it was the microsurgical approach why he sought treatment in our hospital; as previous healthcare institutions had predominantly recommended surgical interventions involving implants and stabilization systems.
We thank him for choosing us and wish our patient a life filled with health and happiness.
Persistent Pain Resolved: Microsurgery For Narrow Canal
Our patient, Mrs. Ulker, who had been suffering from pain in her right leg and lower back for four months, consulted our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel. After a thorough examination and
detailed tests, Narrow Canal at L5-S1 was diagnosed. A Microsurgery was recommended for Mrs. Ulker, and she agreed to proceed with the operation after being thoroughly informed about it.
Upon pre-operative preparations and Mrs. Ulker was admitted to our hospital. Just two hours after a successful surgery, she started walking without any help. The day after the operation, Mrs. Ulker was discharged from our hospital, walking on her own, expressing her gratitude to Dr. Ozel and his team.
As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we wish Mrs. Ulker and her family a long and healthy life together.

Mobility Restored: Narrow Canal Treatment Through Microsurgery
Our 54-year-old patient, Mrs. Remziye, sought help from our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, with the complaints of persistent leg and back pain that seriously impacted her daily life.
After a thorough examination and detailed tests, it was diagnosed that Mrs. Remziye had a Narrow Canal at S3. Dr. Ozel recommended a Microsurgery to address her condition. Before proceeding with the operation, Mrs. Remziye underwent pre-operative preparations and was admitted to our hospital.
Following a successful surgery, Mrs. Remziye began walking without any help shortly after the procedure. She was discharged the next day, walking without any support and in good health; expressing her gratitude to Dr. Ozel and his team for their exceptional care.
As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we extend our best wishes to Mrs. Remziye and her family for a healthy future.
Relief Without Screws Or Platinum: Spinal Stenosis Microsurgery
Our 52-year-old patient sought treatment at our hospital with the complaints of pain, muscle tension, and difficulty walking with his left foot. Despite seeking treatment at various healthcare institutions, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the results. After the evaluation of his MRI reports and images by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, Mr. Hasan was recommended a Spinal Stenosis Microsurgery, Without Screws and Platinum.
Upon his arrival at our hospital and his examination by Dr. Ozel, preparations for the surgery began. With no impediments to the surgery, our patient was hospitalized.
Following a successful surgery, Mr. Hasan was able to walk. After a one-night stay for monitoring purposes, Mr. Hasan was discharged in good health, able to walk independently.
Our patient extended his gratitude to Dr. Ozel and the hospital team, and as Corlu Vatan Hospital, we wish him and his loved ones a healthy life ahead.

Hold On To Life: Brain Tumor Surgery
Our patient (67) visited our Neurology Clinic with the complaints of headaches, speech disturbances, and numbness on the right side of her body. Her case was taken over by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel.
After a physical examination and conducted tests, presence of a tumor mass in the left frontal lobe of the brain, size of approximately 3×2 cm, was detected. An emergency surgery was planned.
Following a successful surgery, lasted for 6 hours, our patient’s complaints of headaches, speech disturbances, and numbness on the right side of the body completely disappeared. Our patient was discharged after a week post-surgery in good general condition.
The entire team at our Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes her a life with health and prosperity.
Early Diagnosis: Successful Tumor Removal
Our 59-year-old patient came to our hospital with the complaint of lower back and right leg pain that had significantly intensified over the past two months.
His case was taken over by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, and following a physical examination and an MRI, a tumor the size of 1.5 cm at L4 was identified. After thoroughly informing the patient about the necessary intervention, preoperative preparation commenced.
In the morning of the day of surgery, Covid-19 tests were conducted, and upon receiving negative results, the patient was admitted to the operating room, maximally secured against
Covid-19. A microsurgical approach was performed to remove the tumor, lasting approximately 2 hours. Our patient was able to perform his daily activities independently on the same day.
On the second day of post-operation, our patient was discharged from our hospital in good overall condition.
On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Corlu Vatan Hospital, the entire hospital team sincerely wishes our patient a healthy life ahead.

Long Search Is Over: Implant-Free Surgery Brings Relief
Our patient, 33 years old, had two surgeries for Spinal Stenosis caused by Lumbar Disc Herniation, yet her complaints persisted. Seeking further treatment, she explored implant-free interventions for Spinal Stenosis performed by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel.
Upon our patient’s arrival at our hospital, Dr. Ozel took over her case. Following a thorough physical examination and radiographies, an Implant-Free Decompression Microsurgery in the spinal cord was suggested for her condition. With an extensive discussion and Mrs. Sen’s consent, preparations for the surgery began.
Our patient arrived at our hospital on the planned day for surgery. Following hospitalization, she underwent preoperative preparation and consultation with an Anesthesiology Specialist.
With no medical obstacles identified, our patient was ready for the surgery. After two-hours of successful surgery, our patient was returned to her room to rest. Later that evening, she was mobilized under the supervision of Dr. Ozel, expressing her significant relief and reduced pain. Our patient was discharged the next day in good overall condition, free of pain and complaints.
On the 40th anniversary of providing healthcare services, the entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes our patient a good health and happiness.