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Bariatric Surgery

Obesity, characterized by excessive body weight, is a metabolic disorder associated with various health risks. For individuals meeting certain criteria, bariatric surgery is performed to help them achieve their ideal weight. This field employs various techniques and types of surgeries. People who have not found success with diet, exercise, and medication often wonder, “What is bariatric surgery, and what types of surgeries are available?” For those who have exhausted all other methods without success, bariatric surgery may be a viable option.

Before considering bariatric surgery, the patient must be evaluated by relevant physicians and deemed suitable for surgery from an anesthesia perspective. The patient’s body mass index (BMI) is assessed to determine their eligibility. Patients with a BMI over 40 are considered suitable candidates. After a detailed examination to confirm the patient’s suitability, the procedure is explained to them, and their consent is obtained. Further evaluations are conducted by specialists in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Psychiatry, and Anesthesia. The surgeries are performed laparoscopically under general anesthesia.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

Advancements in technology have led to a diversification of bariatric surgery methods. The choice of method depends on the patient’s condition and is decided collaboratively by the physician and patient. Below is information about the various types of bariatric surgery:

Stomach Botox

Botulinum toxin is injected endoscopically into specific areas of the stomach to reduce appetite and aid weight loss. This technique restricts the contraction rate of stomach muscles and delays stomach emptying. As a result, the patient experiences a loss of appetite and finds it easier to lose weight.

Stomach Balloon

This is one of the simplest methods to aid weight loss. A balloon filled with fluid is placed into the stomach via an endoscope in a procedure that takes 15-20 minutes. This reduces the stomach’s capacity to hold food. The balloon remains in the body for about 6 months to a maximum of 1 year.

Gastric Bypass

In this procedure, the stomach is reduced to the size of a coffee cup and then connected to the small intestine. With a smaller stomach, the person feels full with less food, and since the stomach is connected to the small intestine, food is expelled from the body without being fully digested.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

This is the most commonly performed type of bariatric surgery worldwide and in Turkey. The goal is to feel full with a smaller amount of food. In sleeve gastrectomy, a large portion of the stomach’s upper part (fundus) is removed, leading to less secretion of the hunger hormone and delayed feelings of hunger.

Metabolic Surgery

Primarily used to treat some metabolic syndromes, including type 2 diabetes, this method facilitates the treatment of metabolic diseases through surgical techniques. The surgery is performed laparoscopically without making any large incisions, instead using 4-5 small openings.

The cost of bariatric surgery varies based on the selected surgical procedure.