Both Problems Solved: Sleeve Gastrectomy And Cholecystectomy For Our German Patient

Sarah Ludemann (33), from Germany, with a long-standing struggle with obesity, sought help at our hospital for Sleeve Gastrectomy. During consultation with Dr. Mustafa Onder Dolap, our Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Specialist, she also disclosed having gallstones and expressed a need for surgery for their removal. Following examination, it was decided that Mrs. Ludemann could undergo laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy along with Cholecystectomy during the same operation.

Preparations for Sarah’s surgery began promptly, with the assessments conducted by Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Psychiatry, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialists. Subsequently, endoscopic examination, blood tests, and radiological imaging (including abdominal ultrasound and chest X-ray) were completed. With no obstacles identified, the surgery was planned for Mrs. Ludemann’s operation, and the surgery was successfully performed.

She was discharged in good health after four nights of post-surgery monitoring. Expressing her gratitude, Mrs. Ludemann conveyed her thanks to Dr. Dolap, the nursing staff, and all hospital personnel, stating her eagerness for her new life ahead.

Corlu Vatan Hospital extends their best wishes to Mrs. Ludemann for a swift recovery and a healthy future ahead.