Farewell To Persistent Pain: Lumbar Decompression Surgery

Our 52-year-old patient preferred our hospital with the complaints of enduring persistent lower back pain, numbness in both legs, and difficulty walking long distances. Previous consultations at various healthcare institutions recommended intervention involving implants (screws) for decompression of spinal stenosis. Seeking a second opinion, our patient reached out to our hospital specifically to consult with our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, regarding his condition.

Following a thorough physical examination and MRI, it was revealed that the patient had Spinal Stenosis at L3-L4 and L4-L5. Pain during leg movements and neurological deficits were also identified during the examination. According to our patient, Lumbar Decompression Microsurgery was suggested. The procedure was thoroughly explained to our patient and preoperative preparations began.

All precautions related to the Covid-19 pandemic were strictly applied. Our patient then underwent the surgery without the use of implants (screws). Post-surgery, our patient remained under the supervision of Dr. Ozel, and was mobilized just 3 hours later.

Following a one-day postoperative stay in our hospital, our patient was discharged in good overall condition.

We express our gratitude to our patient for trusting our hospital and wish him a healthy and happy life.