Finding Relief: Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery For Hiatal Hernia

Mrs. Adevie Hasanova Alieva from Bulgaria, contacted our International Patient Services Department and shared that she had been suffering from pain and burning sensation after meals in the esophageal area and upper part of the stomach, feeling of pressure in the chest, and more. Our patient was invited to our hospital for examination and detailed investigations.

Upon her arrival at our hospital, Mrs. Alieva’s case was taken over by our General Surgeon, Dr. Mustafa Onder Dolap. A detailed physical examination, investigations, and fibrogastroscopy were carried out. As a result, the presence of a Hiatal Hernia was detected. Our patient was thoroughly informed about the diagnosis and the necessary surgical treatment.

Mrs. Alieva was admitted to our hospital and within the same day, necessary preoperative preparations were completed. The next day, our patient underwent Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery. After a successful operation, our patient was monitored for two days, and then discharged in good general condition without pain or complaints.

Two months after the operation, Mrs. Alieva visited us for a follow-up examination and expressed her sincere gratitude to Dr. Dolap and the entire hospital team for the care and support provided. We also thank her for choosing us for her treatment.

The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes Mrs. Alieva a long life filled with good health and contentment.