Inspiring Story: Weight Loss Journey

Our patient underwent Sleeve Gastrectomy, embarking on a transformative journey towards a healthier life. Seeking to improve her quality of life, she diligently researched obesity surgery options, leading her to consult with our Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Specialist, Dr. Mustafa Onder Dolap.

Upon her admission, assessing her condition and BMI, she weighed 125 kg, having struggled with unsuccessful diet attempts, Sleeve Gastrectomy was recommended for our patient. After a successful surgery and personalized diet from our Dietitian, Cigdem Kiral, our patient was discharged in good health, ready to embrace her new lifestyle.

Returning for follow-up appointments six months later, our patient delightedly shared that she had lost a remarkable 42 kg. She expressed gratitude to Dr. Dolap and the entire hospital team for their attentive care and support throughout her journey.

As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we extend our heartfelt wishes to our patient for health and happiness in her new life.