Our Patient Found Relief: Cervical Disc Hernia

Our patient visited our hospital with persistent complaints, including neck pain, left arm pain, numbness, and restricted movement, significantly impacting his daily life and quality of life.

Following a thorough physical examination by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Oguz Ozel, and necessary additional investigations, Cervical Disc Herniation at L2 was identified. A Microsurgery was suggested for treatment by Dr. Ozel. Our patient was fully informed about the procedure, including its benefits and potential consequences if left untreated, before being admitted for preoperative preparations.

Following a successful surgery, our patient was mobilized on the same day, just a few hours after the surgery, under the supervision of Dr. Ozel. He was closely monitored for twenty-four hours and then discharged in good condition.

During a follow-up examination one week later, our patient reported no postoperative complaints. He had then found relief after many years of discomfort. He expressed that he would definitely recommend to those with similar complaints to visit Dr. Ozel for necessary treatment.

The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital extends our best wishes to our patient for a long and healthy life ahead.