Pain Is Gone: Lumbar Discectomy For Disc Herniation

Mrs. Miglena Ivanova from Bulgaria, contacted our International Patient Services Department through social media. She shared that she had been experiencing worsening pain in the lower back and left leg. After discussions, Mrs. Ivanova was invited to our hospital for a physical examination and diagnostic procedures.

Upon her arrival at our hospital, her case was taken over by our Neurosurgeron, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan. After a detailed physical examination and imaging, including an MRI, Mrs. Ivanova was diagnosed with a Disc Herniation at L5-S1 in the spinal column. She was suggested a Lumbar Discectomy through microsurgical method.

Upon Mrs. Ivanova’s consent for the suggested treatment, she was hospitalized on the same day. The next day, the surgery was performed through a minimal 3-centimeter incision. 3 hours post-surgery, she was mobilized under the supervision of Dr. Temizkan. She was discharged in good overall condition without pain or complaints after 1 day of observation.

During her follow-up appointment, Mrs. Ivanova expressed her gratitude for the care she received during her stay in our hospital. She thanked Dr. Temizkan and our entire team.

As Corlu Vatan Hospital, we also appreciate her trust in us and wish Mrs. Ivanova a swift recovery and a happy life.