Relieving The Burden: Lumbar Stabilization Surgery

Our patient, Mr. Yumer Beyti Ahmed from Bulgaria, reached out to our International Patient Services Department regarding his complaints that following a lumbar disc herniation surgery five years ago, he started to experience progressively worsening pain in his lower back and both legs.

Mr. Ahmed was invited to the hospital for a physical examination and detailed radiological tests and upon his arrival, his case was taken over by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan.

After a thorough physical examination and radiographs (MRI and CT of the lumbar area), a compelling need for a Lumbar Stabilization Surgery was determined. The patient was thoroughly informed about the surgery and the expected results, and with Mr. Ahmed’s consent, the hospitalization and preoperative preparation process began. Additional tests confirmed that there were no medical obstacles to the surgical intervention.

After a successful surgery, our patient was returned to his room for postoperative observation, and a few days later, he was discharged from our hospital without pain and in good overall condition.

Upon his discharge, Mr. Ahmed expressed heartfelt thanks to Dr. Temizkan and the entire hospital team. We also thank him for choosing us for his treatment and wish him a long life filled with health and happiness.