Uterine Cancer Eliminated With Radical Wertheim Hysterectomy

Mrs. Imren Mehmet from Bulgaria, upon the recommendation of her relatives, contacted our International Patient Services Department. She shared with us that she initially sought medical help in another healthcare institution, due to her complaints of lower back pain and others. After a physical examination and detailed investigations including biopsy, she was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer (Endometrial Carcinoma). Subsequently, Mrs. Mehmet decided to seek a second opinion on the diagnosis in our hospital.

After her arrival at our hospital, the physical examination of Mrs. Mehmet was conducted by our Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erson Aksu. After a thorough physical examination, decision was made for the necessity of performing an MRI with contrast agent. After analyzing the data from the physical examination and additional investigations, the diagnosis of our patient was confirmed, and our specialist’s opinion in this case was Laparoscopic Radical Wertheim Hysterectomy. After being thoroughly informed about her current condition and the necessary treatment, Mrs. Mehmet decided to trust our doctor for the treatment. Our patient was hospitalized on the same day of preoperative preparation.

The surgery was successfully performed the next day, and our patient was under observation in our hospital for 3 days. Upon completion of her post-operation monitoring, the necessary arrangements were made for the follow-up examination, and she was discharged from the hospital in good general condition without pain or complaints.

10 days post-operation, Mrs. Mehmet visited us for the follow-up examination and expressed her sincere gratitude to Dr. Aksu and the entire hospital team for the care provided.

The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes Mrs. Mehmet and her family a healthy and happy life together.