Minimally Invasive Solution For Colon Cancer: Laparoscopic Surgery

Mr. Emanuil Ivanov Manolov from Bulgaria, reached out to our hospital with the complaints of abdominal pain, bloating, and digestive system issues. Our patient’s case was taken over by our General Surgeon, Dr. Mustafa Onder Dolap.

After a detailed physical examination and laboratory tests, it was decided to perform additional investigations such as colonoscopy and CT scan. As a result, our patient was diagnosed with Colon Cancer.

Mr. Manolov was thoroughly informed by Dr. Dolap about his condition and the necessary treatment for his specific case. Based on conducted investigations, a Laparoscopic Surgery was recommended for removal of the tumor mass.

Upon our patient’s decision to undergo the surgery, necessary arrangements were made and Mr. Manolov was hospitalized one day before the surgery. Preoperative preparations began including additional investigations and examinations by our Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Specialist. After a successful surgery, our patient remained under medical observation in our hospital for four days and was then discharged in good general condition without complaints.

A month after his discharge, Mr. Manolov visited us for a follow-up examination and expressed his gratitude to Dr. Dolap and his team for the care provided.

The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes Mr. Manolov a happy and healthy life.