Restrictions Lifted: Laminoplasty For Spinal Stenosis

Our patient, Mr. Stanimir Kazakov from Bulgaria, contacted our hospital based on the recommendation of his relatives. He expressed his complaints, including a sense of weakness in arms and legs, neck pain, and restricted movements. After discussions and the submission of previous medical examinations, our patient was invited to our hospital for a detailed examination and treatment.

Upon Mr. Kazakov’s arrival at our hospital, his case was taken over by our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan. Following a detailed physical examination, additional diagnostic procedures, such as MRI and CT, presence of Spinal Stenosis at L3 in the cervical spine was identified.

Dr. Temizkan recommended a Laminoplasty for this case. Upon detailed explanations and our patient’s consent, hospitalization and preoperative preparation took place.

After a successful surgery, the patient was returned to our surgical department to rest. A day later, he was mobilized in the presence of Dr. Temizkan. After a three-day observation, Mr. Kazakov was discharged from our hospital without pain and in good overall condition.

A week later, the patient visited us for a follow-up examination. Immense positive changes in Mr. Kazakov’s physical condition were observed.

The entire team at Corlu Vatan Hospital wishes Mr. Kazakov and his family happy and healthy life together.