Successful Lumbar Tumor Removal: Microsurgery

Our 59-year-old patient came to our hospital under the care of our Neurosurgeon, Dr. Abdullah Temizkan, with the complaints of lower back and right leg pain that had intensified over two months. Following a physical examination and MRI, a Tumor Mass the size of 1.5 cm at L4 was identified. After thoroughly informing our patient about the necessary intervention, preoperative preparation began.

In the morning of the day of surgery, Covid-19 tests were conducted, and upon receiving negative results, our patient was admitted to the operating room, which is maximally secured against Covid-19. A Microsurgery was performed to remove the tumor, lasting approximately 2 hours. Our patient was able to independently perform daily activities on the same day.

On the second day of hospitalization, our patient was discharged from our hospital in good overall condition.

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Corlu Vatan Hospital, the entire hospital team sincerely wishes our patient a long and healthy life ahead.